Popular websites on gravitational waves
- Gravitational-Wave Science (LSC)
- What is a Gravitational Wave? (NASA)
- A Brief History of LIGO (K. Thorne and R. Weiss)
- Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS Collaboration)
- Sounds of Spacetime
Popular articles on gravitational waves
- Gravitational Waves, Einstein’s Ripples in Spacetime, Spotted for First Time
(A. Cho, Science, 2016) - Viewpoint: The First Sounds of Merging Black Holes (E. Berti, Physics, 2016)
- Gravitational Waves Detected, Confirming Einstein’s Theory
(D. Overbye, The New York Times, 2016) - Gravitational Waves: Breakthrough Discovery after a Century of Expectation
(T. Radford, The Guardian, 2016) - The Discovery of Gravitational Waves (Scientific American Special Report)
- Detecting Ripples in Space-Time, with a Little Help from Einstein
(Space.com, 2015)
Articles for young readers
- Gravitational Wave Detectors—Past, Present, and Future
(K. S. Thorne, Frontiers for Young Minds, 2024) - Gravitational Waves—A New Window on the Universe
(B. Barish, Frontiers for Young Minds, 2022) - The New Astronomy: Observing Our Universe With Light and Gravity
(J. Shapiro Key, Frontiers for Young Minds, 2019) - Why Can’t You Escape a Black Hole?
(M. Kersting & M. L. Ruggiero, Frontiers for Young Minds, 2022)
Selected online videos
- Animated Tour of LIGO (L. Cominsky, K. Staats, M. Cavaglia)
- LIGO Interferometer (LIGO Caltech)
- Gravitational Waves Explained (PHD Comics)
- Gravitational Waves Explained Using Stick Figures (MinutePhysics)
- What is a Gravitational Wave? (K. Staats)
- How do we Detect Gravitational Waves? (K. Staats)
- What Types of Gravitational Waves Will LIGO Detect? (K. Staats)
- How Does an Interferometer Work? (K. Staats)
- LVK YouTube Channel
Citizen science websites, games, and gravitational wave apps
- Gravity Spy [help improve gravitational wave detectors]
- Einstein@Home [search for pulsars]
- Chirp [keep track of latest gravitational wave events]
- Make Chirps [exploring GWs app for iPad]
- Gravitational Wave Events [LVK alert app for iPhone]
- ASTRO-COLIBRI [multimessenger event alerts]
- Black Hole Hunter [search for GWs game]
- Space-Time Quest [design a GW detector game]
- Black Hole Master [black hole battle game]
- Pocket Black Hole [turn your phone camera into a gravitational lens; see also Stretch & Squash]
Popular books on gravitational waves
- The Sounds of the Cosmos (M. Diaz, G. Gonzalez, and J. Pullin, 2023)
- Gravity’s Kiss (H. Collins, 2017)
- Black Holes Blues (J. Levin, 2016)
- Gravity’s Shadow (H. Collins, 2004)
- Einstein’s Unfinished Symphony (M. Bartusiak, 2000)
- Ripples in a Cosmic Sea (D. Blair and G. McNamara, 1997)
- Black Holes & Time Warps (K. Thorne, 1994)
Online courses and data tutorials
- Detecting Gravitational Waves, Waves and Gravity (Sonoma State University)
- Tutorials from the Gravitational-Wave Open Science Center (GWOSC)
- Event Catalog, Open Data Workshops (GWOSC)
- Build an Interferometer – with Glue or Magnets
LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Observatory websites
- LIGO Laboratory [Hanford, Livingston]
- LIGO Livingston Science Education Center
- LIGO Exploration Center (LExC, Hanford site)
- LIGO India
- Virgo and EGO (European Gravitational-Wave Observatory)
- GEO600
- KAGRA and Gravitational Wave Project Office
Other gravitational-wave collaborations
- Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), Consortium
- International Pulsar Timing Array (IPTA): European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA), North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav), Indian Pulsar Timing Array Project (InPTA), Parkes Pulsar Timing Array (PPTA)
- Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC)
- Einstein Telescope (ET)
- Cosmic Explorer (CE)
Technical books on gravitational waves
- Gravitational Waves: Volume 1 (M. Maggiore, 2008) and Volume 2 (2018)
- Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astronomy (J. Creighton and W. Anderson, 2011)
- Gravitational Waves in Physics and Astrophysics (M. C. Miller and N.Yunes, 2021)
- Gravitational-Wave Astronomy (N. Andersson, 2020)
- Gravity from the Ground Up (B. Schutz, 2003, chapter 22)
- Modern Classical Physics (K. Thorne and R. Blandford, 2017, chapter 27)
- Gravity (E. Poisson and C. Will, 2014, chapter 11)
Selected technical review articles on gravitational waves
- The First 5 years of Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics, (S. Vitale, Science, 2021)
- Gravitational Waves: Sources, Detection, and Searches (K. Riles, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2012)
- Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology with Gravitational Waves (B.S. Sathyaprakash and B. F. Schutz, 2009)
- Gravitational Waves (A. Buonanno, 2007)
- An Overview of Gravitational-Wave Sources (C. Cutler and K. Thorne, 2002)
- New Physics and Astronomy with the New Gravitational-Wave Observatories
(S. Hughes, S. Marka, P. Bender, and C. Hogan, 2001) - Gravitational Radiation (K. Thorne) in Three Hundred Years of Gravitation
(ed. S. Hawking and W. Israel, 1987) - Living Reviews in Relativity (academic journal)
Experiences or resources specific for K-12 teachers and students
- Educator’s Guide to Gravitational Waves (Sonoma State University)
- IGrav (Cardiff University)
Other resources
- See the LAAC (LSC Academic Advisory Committee) home page for more resources, especially those below.
- LAAC Undergraduate Resources (REUs, graduate school advice)
- LAAC Educational Resources page
- LAAC Job Postings. (See also job opportunities at Caltech or MIT.)